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Imports data from Water Quality Portal web service. This function gets the data from here:


  service = "ResultWQX3",
  querySummary = FALSE,
  tz = "UTC",
  ignore_attributes = FALSE,
  convertType = TRUE



see for a complete list of options. A list of arguments can also be supplied. For more information see the above description for this help file. If no "service" argument is supplied, it will default to "ResultWQX3". One way to figure out how to construct a WQP query is to go to the "Advanced" form in the Water Quality Portal. Use the form to discover what parameters are available. Once the query is set in the form, scroll down to the "Query URL". You will see the parameters after "". For example, if you chose "Nutrient" in the Characteristic Group dropdown, you will see characteristicType=Nutrient in the Query URL. The corresponding argument for dataRetrieval is characteristicType = "Nutrient". dataRetrieval users do not need to include mimeType, and providers is optional (these arguments are picked automatically).


character. See Details for more information.


logical to only return the number of records and unique sites that will be returned from this query. Choosing TRUE is deprecated, readWQPsummary is recommended instead.


character to set timezone attribute of dateTime. Default is "UTC", and converts the date times to UTC, properly accounting for daylight savings times based on the data's provided tz_cd column. Possible values to provide are "America/New_York","America/Chicago", "America/Denver","America/Los_Angeles", "America/Anchorage", as well as the following which do not use daylight savings time: "America/Honolulu", "America/Jamaica","America/Managua","America/Phoenix", and "America/Metlakatla". See also OlsonNames() for more information on time zones.


logical to choose to ignore fetching site and status attributes. Default is FALSE.


logical, defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, the function will convert the data to dates, datetimes, numerics based on a standard algorithm. If false, everything is returned as a character.


A data frame, the specific columns will depend on the "service" and/or "dataProfile".

There are also several useful attributes attached to the data frame:

urlcharacterThe url used to generate the data
siteInfodata.frameA data frame containing information on the requested sites
headerInfodata.frameA data frame returned from the WQP status service
queryTimePOSIXctThe time the data was returned


This function uses ... as a query input, which can be very flexible, but also has a steeper learning curve. For a quick overview, scroll down to the Examples in this help file to see many query options.

There are currently 10 legacy and 4 modern WQX options for data provided by the Water Quality Portal:


WQP Radio Buttonservice argumentBase URLdataProfile
Monitoring LocationsStationWQX3/wqx3/Station/search
Full Physical ChemicalResultWQX3/wqx3/Result/searchfullPhysChem
Basic Physical ChemicalResultWQX3/wqx3/Result/searchbasicPhysChem
Sampling ActivityActivityWQX3/wqx3/Activity/search


WQP Radio Buttonservice argumentBase URL
Sample ResultsResult/data/Result/search
Site Data OnlyStation/data/Station/search
Sampling ActivityActivity/data/Activity/search
Sampling Activity MetricsActivityMetric/data/ActivityMetric/search
Site Summary (not advertised on WQP)SiteSummary/data/summary/monitoringLocation/search
Project DataProject/data/Project/search
Project Monitoring Location Weighting DataProjectMonitoringLocationWeighting/data/ProjectMonitoringLocationWeighting/search
Result Detection Quantitation Limit DataResultDetectionQuantitationLimit/data/ResultDetectionQuantitationLimit/search
Biological Habitat MetricsBiologicalMetric/data/BiologicalMetric/search
Organization DataOrganization/data/Organization/search


# \donttest{
nameToUse <- "pH"
pHData <- readWQPdata(siteid = "USGS-04024315", 
                      characteristicName = nameToUse)
#> [1] 182
attr(pHData, "url")
#> [1] ""
attr(pHData, "siteInfo")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 56
#>   Org_Identifier Org_FormalName   ProviderName Location_Identifier Location_Name
#>   <chr>          <chr>            <chr>        <chr>               <chr>        
#> 1 USGS           U.S. Geological… USGS         USGS-04024315       LITTLE BALSA…
#> # ℹ 51 more variables: Location_Type <chr>, Location_Description <chr>,
#> #   Location_State <chr>, Location_CountryName <chr>,
#> #   Location_CountyName <chr>, Location_CountryCode <chr>,
#> #   Location_StatePostalCode <chr>, Location_CountyCode <chr>,
#> #   Location_HUCEightDigitCode <chr>, Location_HUCTwelveDigitCode <chr>,
#> #   Location_TribalLandIndicator <chr>, Location_TribalLand <chr>,
#> #   Location_Latitude <dbl>, Location_Longitude <dbl>, …
attr(pHData, "headerInfo")[["dataProviders"]]
#>   name completeOrCancelled failed sourceRowCount outputRowCount
#> 1 usgs                TRUE  FALSE             33             32
#> 2  epa                TRUE  FALSE              1              0
#>   millisecondsToFirstResponse secondsToCompletion
#> 1                           4                   0
#> 2                         242                   0
attr(pHData, "queryTime")
#> [1] "2024-08-30 17:36:44 GMT"

# dataProfile = Basic Physical Chemical
pHData_basic <- readWQPdata(siteid = "USGS-04024315", 
                      characteristicName = nameToUse,
                      dataProfile = "basicPhysChem")
attr(pHData_basic, "url") 
#> [1] ""
#> [1] 100

# dataProfile = Narrow
pHData_narrow <- readWQPdata(siteid = "USGS-04024315", 
                      characteristicName = nameToUse,
                      dataProfile = "narrow")
attr(pHData_narrow, "url") 
#> [1] ""
#> [1] 65

# Data profiles: "Site Data Only"
site_data <- readWQPdata(
  statecode = "WI",
  countycode = "Dane",
  service = "StationWQX3"

# More examples:
# querying by county
DeWitt <- readWQPdata(
  statecode = "Illinois",
  countycode = "DeWitt",
  characteristicName = "Nitrogen"

# Data profile: "Sampling Activity"
activity <- readWQPdata(
  siteid = "USGS-04024315",
  service = "ActivityWQX3"

Dane_activity <- readWQPdata(
  statecode = "Wisconsin",
  countycode = "Dane",
  startDateLo = "2023-01-01",
  startDateHi = "2023-12-31",
  service = "ActivityWQX3"

# Legacy examples:

pHData_legacy <- readWQPdata(siteid = "USGS-04024315", 
                      characteristicName = nameToUse,
                      service = "Result",
                      dataProfile = "narrowResult")
#> NEWS: Legacy data profiles will be retired. Please begin converting
#> workflows to the WQX 3.0 profiles. Also, data from legacy profiles do not
#> include USGS data newer than March 11, 2024. More details:
attr(pHData_legacy, "url")
#> [1] ""

# Data profiles: "Organization Data" (legacy)
org_data <- readWQPdata(
  statecode = "WI",
  countycode = "Dane",
  service = "Organization"
#> NEWS: Legacy profile requested, and no equivalent/similar WQX 3.0
#> profile currently exists. Legacy profiles do not include USGS data newer
#> than March 11, 2024. 
#> More details: 

# Data profiles: "Project Data"  (legacy)
project_data <- readWQPdata(
  statecode = "WI",
  countycode = "Dane",
  service = "Project"
#> NEWS: Legacy profile requested, and no equivalent/similar WQX 3.0
#> profile currently exists. Legacy profiles do not include USGS data newer
#> than March 11, 2024. 
#> More details: 

# Data profiles: "Project Monitoring Location Weighting Data"  (legacy)
proj_mlwd <- readWQPdata(
  statecode = "WI",
  countycode = "Dane",
  service = "ProjectMonitoringLocationWeighting"
#> NEWS: Legacy profile requested, and no equivalent/similar WQX 3.0
#> profile currently exists. Legacy profiles do not include USGS data newer
#> than March 11, 2024. 
#> More details: 
#> New names:
#>  `ResourceSubjectText` -> `ResourceSubjectText...13`
#>  `ResourceSubjectText` -> `ResourceSubjectText...15`

# Data profiles: "Sample Results (physical/chemical metadata)"  (legacy)
samp_data <- readWQPdata(
  siteid = "USGS-04024315",
  dataProfile = "resultPhysChem",
  service = "Result"
#> NEWS: Legacy data profiles will be retired. Please begin converting
#> workflows to the WQX 3.0 profiles. Also, data from legacy profiles do not
#> include USGS data newer than March 11, 2024. More details:

# Data profiles: "Sample Results (biological metadata)"  (legacy)
samp_bio <- readWQPdata(
  siteid = "USGS-04024315",
  dataProfile = "biological",
  service = "Result"
#> NEWS: Legacy data profiles will be retired. Please begin converting
#> workflows to the WQX 3.0 profiles. Also, data from legacy profiles do not
#> include USGS data newer than March 11, 2024. More details:

# Data profiles: "Sample Results (narrow)" (legacy)
samp_narrow <- readWQPdata(
  siteid = "USGS-04024315",
  service = "Result",
  dataProfile = "narrowResult"
#> NEWS: Legacy data profiles will be retired. Please begin converting
#> workflows to the WQX 3.0 profiles. Also, data from legacy profiles do not
#> include USGS data newer than March 11, 2024. More details:

# Data profiles: "Sampling Activity"  (legacy)
samp_activity <- readWQPdata(
  siteid = "USGS-04024315",
  dataProfile = "activityAll",
  service = "Activity"
#> NEWS: Legacy data profiles will be retired. Please begin converting
#> workflows to the WQX 3.0 profiles. Also, data from legacy profiles do not
#> include USGS data newer than March 11, 2024. More details:

# Data profile: "Sampling Activity Metrics"  (legacy)
act_metrics <- readWQPdata(
  statecode = "WI",
  countycode = "Dane",
  service = "ActivityMetric"
#> NEWS: Legacy profile requested, and no equivalent/similar WQX 3.0
#> profile currently exists. Legacy profiles do not include USGS data newer
#> than March 11, 2024. 
#> More details: 

# Data profile: "Result Detection Quantitation Limit Data"  (legacy)
dl_data <- readWQPdata(
  siteid = "USGS-04024315",
  service = "ResultDetectionQuantitationLimit"
#> NEWS: Legacy profile requested, and no equivalent/similar WQX 3.0
#> profile currently exists. Legacy profiles do not include USGS data newer
#> than March 11, 2024. 
#> More details: 

# other options:
Phosphorus <- readWQPdata(
  statecode = "WI", countycode = "Dane", 
  characteristicName = "Phosphorus",
  startDateLo = "2023-01-01",
  ignore_attributes = TRUE,
  convertType = FALSE
# }